Hi all,
I'm hoping one of the 'on-site' ninjas will be able to help me out with this one.
The problem:
I have several Wordpress blogs.
On the homepage of each blog is a list of 10 news articles.
Lets say the homepage is:
At the bottom of the news articles (on the homepage) is a link that says 'Older Entries'.
The 'Older Entries' link takes the user to:
At the bottom of the news articles (on page 2 of the homepage) is a link that says 'Older Entries'.
The 'Older Entries' link takes the user to:
I'm sure you get the picture.
As things stand, when I perform a site:myhomepage.com search in Google this morning, there are over 19 pages indexed:
All of the pages in Google's index AND use the same meta title / description - which presumably has a duplicate content issue.
Does anyone know what the recommended 'best practice' solution here? I.e no index page/2, page/3. page/4 etc?
2.Any advice would be much appreciated.
ou must put "noindex, follow" on your pagination. After that, you can remove manually, the entire folder from Webmaster Tools account.
Remove folder: myhomepage.com/page/
Some of SEO plugin for wordpress has robots meta configuration where you can put "noindex, follow" meta to your "paged" page. For example, Wordpress SEO by Yoast, you can check it here,
3. Quote:
must put "noindex, follow" on your pagination. After that, you can
remove manually, the entire folder from Webmaster Tools account.
Remove folder: myhomepage.com/page/ |
You must put "noindex, follow" on your pagination
Any idea how this can be done in Wordpress?
4. Add this in the header.php
<?php if ($paged) { ?> <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" /> <?php } ?>
5. Mau bagi2 pengalaman aja ni.
Blog ane tiba2 anjlok cari penyebabnya kesana kemari akhirnya nemu juga di webmaster tool
Ternyata penyebabnya adalah Duplicate meta descriptions.
Yg disebabkan oleh halaman post dan halaman attachment (Gambar/File)
mempunyai meta deskripsi yg sama.
Disini saya menemukan 2 cara untuk mengatasinya.
1. Dengan cara redirect page attachment ke page utama (posting)
2. Dengan cara menambah meta no index ,supaya page attachment gak ke index oleh google.
Oke lanjut cara pertama
Tinggal tambahin di header.php diantara <head> </head>
if(is_attachment()) {
Cara yg kedua hampir sama. seperti diatas .hanya beda script aja.
if(is_attachment()) {
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
semoga bermanfaat.